The booming bike culture in Cleveland is no secret. The region benefits from well-organized cycling groups, an abundance of local bike shops, several bike tour companies, accessible bike rental locations and an entire organization dedicated to bike advocacy.
Did we mention all the cool, off-the-beaten-path bike paths? Or, how about a public transportation system that supports cyclists, as well?
Here's an overview of how you can make the most of the city on two wheels.
Sharing is Caring
Don't have a bike of your own? No worries. With Lime and Bird, all you need is an app and you can be crusing down the bike lane in no time. Literally all you have to do is find a bike using the app, hop on, set up and go. Biking in The Land has never been easier.
Downtown Bike Hub
All things for the cycling commuter come together in downtown's Gateway District at The Bike Rack. Passholders enjoy secure bike parking, lockers, and showers with towels and amenities - not to mention access to rentals and repairs. Round it out with a free information center and outdoor bike rack.
Meanwhile ... in Ohio City
Social rides, scavenger hunts, and festivals help Ohio City Bike Co-Op connect people to the local cycling scene year-round. What started out as a volunteer-driven "earn-a-bike" program has grown into a robust resource for bike education. Bike recycling and safety/repair education all roll out in their funky shop in the Flats. Pro tip: earn a gently used bike by logging volunteer hours.
Long Train Running
Image by Larry Highbaugh Jr.
Love trains and two-wheeled transport? Have it both ways with Bike Aboard: head south by bike, then make the return trip on the historic Cuyahoga Valley Scenic Railroad as you explore Ohio's legendary Towpath Trail. For just $5, travelers can go up to 26 miles one way on the train with plenty of stops to customize the trip. No bike? You can rent one by the hour from Century Cycles located closeby towpath and Peninsula Depot.
Cleveland Metroparks
With over 100 miles of paved, all-purpose trails, you're bound to find the perfect one for your ride. Imagine cycling through a sunlit forest, aling the sparkling blue shoreline, battling gravity on a mountain bike trail, time travelling over the Towpath, wind through your hair. Yeah, biking in Cleveland is really that magical.
Tour de Cleveland
Bikes and Beer? Usually not a great combination. But, Cleveland Cycle Tours will tell you differently. If you're not a hard-core cyclist, but want a fun experience with the added benefit of being on a bike try these 15-person powered bike tours. Not only will you learn more about Cleveland's diverse history, you'll also learn about the next best stop to grab a brew.
Open October through April, Ray's MTB Indoor Bike Park offers MTB and MBX courses geared at all levels of difficulty. Worried you won't have a shred of dignity left after trying your hand at riding? Check out the "1st Timer Deals" or take advantage of the free intro lessons offered every Saturday morning. The helmet hair is totally worth it.
Where in the World?
Not sure where to begin your cycling adventures through CLE? Check out these maps from NOACA, as well as this handy guide from BikeCLE.