Implement and continually refine a DEI strategy that includes foundational steps for staff and Board of Directors to listen, understand, learn and act; underway and ongoing.
Enhance the employee talent lifecycle to attract, retain and promote POC employees; underway and ongoing.
Work with Destination Cleveland Board of Directors Governance and Nominating Committee to increase the number of POC directors on Board; underway and ongoing.
Increase the number of POC-owned vendors doing business with Destination Cleveland (supplier diversity); underway and ongoing.
Work to increase DC’s representation on committees, work groups and boards of organizations devoted to diversity, equity and inclusion and related social reform; underway and ongoing.
Modify Destination Cleveland’s mission to explicitly include diversity, equity and inclusion as essential elements of the organization’s economic development, marketing and destination management efforts; completed as part of 2022 strategic planning process.
Commit to always disaggregating data by race to better understand visitors, meeting attendees, businesses and vendors; underway and ongoing.