We’ve got so much to see and do in Cleveland, we needed to figure out a way to help people decide where to even start. Our Cleveland Brewery Passport proved to be such a success at helping craft beer lovers navigate our truly outrageous brewery scene that we had to expand it to other areas of The Land’s expertise.
Learn about Cleveland’s rich history and culture with the Free in The Land: Historic Hidden Gems Passport. Admire the works of art celebrating Black culture and the contributions of Black residents with the Expressions of Black Culture Public Art Passport*. Run, hike, or bike through award-winning green spaces with the Trailheads + Parks Passport*. Or, make your way through Cleveland’s diverse collection of cultures and heritage through creative and delicious international cuisine with the International Restaurant Passport.
Oh, did we mention that with every check-in – regardless of which of these four passports you choose from – you’ll be earning points and prizes along the way? You’re totally out of excuses now, so grab your mobile device and get started on your own, personalized journey through The Land today.
*Check back soon as more passports become available.