Seasons Transformed is a daring new spin on Vivaldi’s beloved Four Seasons, showcasing the virtuosic talents of core LD musicians and two vibrant young instrumentalists in their LD debuts: flutist Joseph Monticello and bassoonist Clary Zeller-Townson.
Artistic Director Debra Nagy has daringly re-arranged Autumn, Winter, and Spring for an ensemble of soloists, dividing up the material originally written for solo violin to be passed between two violins, oboe, flute, bassoon, harpsichord, and viola da gamba. For Summer, Nagy has an even more ambitious design: a brand-new concerto built from works by Jean-Philippe Rameau, the doyen of 18th-century theatrical music. Audiences will enjoy tunes they already love, reimagined in technicolor, embracing the full spectrum of colors, textures, and expressivity of its peerless ensemble of period instrument musicians