Six-time Games athlete Scott Panchik is hosting a really unique and exciting competition this December – the Rogue Winter Classic in association with CrossFit! Sign up for this inaugural test of fitness with your partner (M/M, F/F), choose your division (Everyday Hero or Weekend Warrior) and choose to compete in one, two or all three of these awesome Hero WODs. This competition is for EVERYONE - don't miss out! Take advantage of the unique opportunity to compete on a big stage with high-energy, live competition announcements and grandstand seating. Your friends, family, and commUNITY will be cheering on as you AND your partner leave it all on the competition floor! And why not make it count for something while you're at it?! A portion of event proceeds benefit local military hero Adam S. Hamilton and his Memorial & Athletic Scholarship Fund. Event details: - Date: Saturday, Dec. 2 - Sunday, Dec. 3, 2017 - Location: I-X Center, Cleveland, Ohio - Pre-registration with t-shirt is open now until November 17 - One (1) workout $80/team; Two (2) workouts $150/team; Three (3) workouts $210/team Register at: